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May 12, 2020

Tips for Buying Long-Lasting Tires

If you're a car owner, you're also a tire buyer. It may not be the most glamorous portion of owning a car, but it's definitely necessary. If you're anything like most consumers, you're looking for a tire that's durable and will last. After all, tires aren't cheap. If you're going to be spending your hard-earned cash on a tire replacement for your car, the tread life had better be good. Otherwise, you could end up buying a new set much sooner than expected. Whether you're in the market for a full set or you're searching for a spare tire replacement, you probably have a few questions. Luckily, the experts at Tire Outlet have the answers you need to make the right choice for your car.

Shelf of tires

What Constitutes a Long-Lasting Tire?

Tires should last you a while, but what exactly should that mean? Should your tires last you 20,000 miles? 10,000? The truth is, a decent set of tires should last you about 60,000 miles, or four to five years. Many tires will last you 75,000 miles or more. The life of your tire will depend on the way the tread wears. To determine how well certain tires will wear over time, it's important to understand tread wear testing.

What Is Tread Wear Testing?

Tread wear testing is a test conducted to determine the performance and longevity among specific tires. It's time-consuming and expensive, but worth your while as a car owner. These tests are conducted by a variety of different companies, and their findings are available to everyone. Typically, these tests are conducted on different types of vehicles, and tires are then given ratings based on how well they perform. Their temperature and traction are also factored into their overall grade and then released so that you, the consumer, can make your selection.

What Do the Results of the Tread Wear Testing Mean?

Honestly, it depends on the company performing the testing. While most tests abide by the UTQG, or the Uniform Tire Quality Grading system, others come up with their own system completely. The UTQG is widely known and a bit more reliable and easy to follow. This simple-to-understand grading system is pretty straightforward. Consider it more an index than an actual indication of performance. For example, a tire that has been given a 200 on the grading system should last twice as long as one that's been given a 100. The higher the number on the index, the longer the tire should last.

Why Do Tread Wear Tests Matter?

When you start the tire-buying process, you're going to see a lot of different brands and models available. It's always a good idea to research various options before making a purchase. As you begin to look into individual tires, understanding the tread wear grading index will make it easier to compare options. Keep an eye out for those UTQG numbers as they're easy to understand. If a company uses its own system to measure the life span of a tire, make sure that you know what it is so that you can properly compare apples to apples.

Do Warranties Indicate the Life Expectancy of a Tire?

Absolutely! When shopping for a tire, take a close look at the warranties offered by the manufacturer. You can tell a lot about the expected life span of a tire just by the amount of time they're willing to keep it under warranty. For example, a tire that has a warranty for 85,000 miles is designed to last much longer than a tire that only has a warranty of 60,000 miles. With proper maintenance, alignment, and care, the manufacturer is fully expecting your tires to last as long as 85,000 miles. It's an insight into what you can expect out of each tire you buy.

Stack of tires

What's the Best Way to Compare Tires?

Now that you know a little bit about warranties and the UTQG that often accompany different tires, you're better equipped to begin shopping for a new set. As you shop, it's important to make proper comparisons. Look for tires with similar UTQG ratings. Then, compare the warranty and the prices. It's also beneficial to look at customer reviews to see what past drivers have to say about their experience with the tires. With all of this information, it's much easier to get a full overview of your options. Take your time before making a purchase. When all else fails, consult the tire experts at Tire Outlet for help! With their input, you may find it easier to make a decision.

Is It Possible to Make Tires Last Longer?

You can buy a tire with the highest ratings that are backed by the best warranties and still only have it last a few years if you're not careful. The manufacturer will do its best to create a quality product, but it's your job to care for it properly. After the tire installation, keep up with the needed maintenance. Your tires should be rotated every 6,000-8,000 miles to ensure equal wear. Along with regular rotations, ensure that your alignment isn't off in your car. Otherwise, it could cause issues with your tread wear. If you're storing spare tires anywhere, keep them away from direct sunlight and in a cool, dry location. Doing your part to care for your tires will improve their performance and help you get the most out of them.

Where Can I Find Long-Lasting Tires?

Just as you should only buy reliable tires, you should only buy from reliable sources. A dependable retailer can answer your questions and make purchasing your tires easy. The experts at Tire Outlet understand the various ratings, warranties, and benefits of our tires. There's no need to guess at the many options. We're a one-stop shop for all of your service needs. Whether you need a tire change, help with your battery, or a full set of tires, we're here to help. To shop our tire inventory or to view our full list of services, visit today.

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